Wedding- Photographer in Fairfield CA

These are being posted a little late… but better late then never.  I loved this couple it was so much fun working with them 🙂  Plus, I got to do her bridals before the wedding which made it that much more fun for me because I got to put my glamour skills to work!

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Ms. Photogenic

This summer I was asked to do a session for a family from Texas who were visiting their family and wanted photos done in the CA landscape.  Their daughter was entering a pageant in the fall and her portfolio needed updating.  We decided on a local vineyard because you can’t get more CA then that (at least not in this area where we are surrounded by vineyards).

* A couple weeks ago her Mom wrote to tell me that she won “Most Photogenic”!  How cool is that!  Congratulations on the win!

Long Time No See- Photographer in Fairfield- Vacaville CA

Do you ever have that feeling where you life just seems to sweep you away and you feel like you might drown in the current.  The last couple of months have been full of moments like that for me and I have neglected this blog because of it.  For that I am sorry.  Not all moments were bad mind you just busy and sometimes over whelming.  Starting a new business has been a lot more confusing and frustrating then I first thought it would be.  But hopefully soon I will be changing things up enough that I will be able to feel a little more comfortable with my time management and get into a better routine with my blog.  🙂

I have many sessions I would love to share with you that you have missed out on because of my absence but I am actually going to start with my latest one because it was a session that I actually did for free for my make up artist that I work with for my boudoir sessions.  I was really needing a renewing and felt I needed to start fresh.  I loved the way it all turned out.